TNR Reality Check

About This Site
Mission Statement
Positions on Free-Roaming and Feral Cats UPDATED
Supporters of TNR
Do Americans Want TNR?
Basic Information About TNR
Public Health UPDATED
The Contradictions of TNR
Examples of the Failure of TNR UPDATED
Examples of Responsible Cat Management UPDATED
Information for Municipalities UPDATED
Does TNR Work?
Library Display Information
Sample Petition Opposing TNR
Contact Us

Library Display Information

Most libraries welcome the opportunity to display interesting and educational material. You do not need to be part of an organization to participate - all you need is enthusiasm for and dedication to your cause!

A library display is a great tool for educating the public about important issues. By offering to set up a display, you will reach a wide and diverse audience and provide a useful public service.

Displays should be professional and eye-catching. Offer brochures and handouts if possible.

If you are interested in setting up a library display in your area on these same subjects, consider utilizing some of the resources below.

Regarding TNR, we display the following information:

Why not TNR?

The Solution

Fallacy or Reality?

A reference and comments to the most recent study by Dr. Levy

A statement from the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians

Cats and Dogs and Birds on the Beach. A Deadly Combination (From the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)

Local cat law. (Whenever possible, research the law in the municipality in which the display is appearing. Folks are sometimes unaware of the laws in their own town, city or borough as applied to licensing, roaming, feeding, etc.)

Regarding domestic cat predation, we display information from the American Bird Conservancy and have their materials available for the public to take. They have brochures, posters and flyers on their website, as well as educational material for children.

Never abandon cats outdoors. (Poster from the American Bird Conservancy)

Should We Use Cats As Mousers?

Other display materials regarding cats include an example of Ecological Balance and a statement about the Biotic Potential of the domestic cat.

Regarding wildlife rehabilitation, contact your state division of fish, game and wildlife or department of natural resources to find the licensed wildlife rehabilitation facility nearest to the library. Contact the facility and offer to display their newsletters or other information. See if they have any photos or documentation of cat-injured wildlife that is available for public use. Many folks do not realize the impact free-roaming cats have on native wildlife and this is an excellent way to inform the public about the consequences of cat predation and how they can help prevent this, as well as where to go should they find an orphaned or injured wild animal.

If you are also involved in cat rescue, this is an opportunity to showcase some photos of available animals. If you are not involved in cat rescue but know of an animal rescue organization that shares your values, offer to display their information.

Regarding the environment, we display information from the following sources:

The Ocean Conservancy and various other conservation organizations.

We cover topics such as citizen science, sustainable fishing, sustainable forestry, sustainable coffee farming, recycling, the impact of trash on marine life, pesticides and window strikes from migratory birds.

Contact local nature centers or birding clubs and offer to display their rack cards or any upcoming events.

REMEMBER to research the philosophy of any organization you promote! Publicize those organizations whose values and viewpoints are supportive of the preservation of native wildlife and the humane treatment of domestic cats.

Other materials for distribution could include:

Do You Believe She Deserves to Live Inhumanely and Die Tragically Outside Just Because She Acts Wild? (Brochure by TNR Reality Check that presents an overview of the free-roaming cat issue and TNR).

The Real Deal. (Flyer by TNR Reality Check stating the five basic problems of TNR).

Uncover the Deception. (Flyer by TNR Reality Check that addresses information promulgated by Alley Cat Allies in their document, "Discover the truth about feral cats".)

Be creative and have fun while you educate the public about these important issues!

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